11 dpo and still harsh negatives.

Chelsey • Mommy to dirt and glitter 💚💜

Hello everyone, I'm at 11 dpo with harsh negatives still.. I have a 29 day cycle as suggested this month, I know exactly the day I ovulated thought. (Jan 20) I'm not sure if I want to bother testing tomorrow at 12 dpo having just blank white negatives today??? Was also just on cheapie, I have a frer and a red dye clearblue early detection I've been waiting to use until I got some faint lines.. 4 more days until af and I'm thinking of waiting until than? I know I should do that anyway. I guess I needed some support to help me through this long 2 weeks... ❤❤❤ this

Possible symptoms

Bigger boobs (my boobs have been SAGGY little things and have never filled in the past year and now they fill my old bra... happy but baby maybe???)

Mild cramps/pinching tugging/the other night it was like something hit me in the uterus)

Small headaches through out the day.

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