Depression while being a mother and wife...

My daughter just asked my husband, “why is mommy mean?”

My heart just broke. I’ve been battling depression while pregnant and I feel so overwhelmed. I am the kind of person that needs to be alone sometimes or find time with friends... which is hard to do while quarantining.

I’m only alone while getting ready to go to a job I hate and/or while in the car to get groceries for home. I do everything I can to make my family happy and never get time to care for myself. My husband needs love, kids need love, my family asks me for favors, and then there’s me....

I’m even getting annoyed when my husbands family only calls to ask about baby stuff. No one asks how I’m doing. I don’t even want to be around them because it’s like no one sees me, they just see the baby I’m growing.

But what hurts most of all is my daughter asking why I am mean when I spend time with her and cater to all of her needs and wants constantly...I’m trying not to let it make me upset but how she feels about me matters more to me than anyone else. I hate myself most of the time for not having a hold on my emotions.

My sister is supposed to do my nails today and I wanted to go by myself... my daughter kept asking me and after I while I raised my voice and told her, no.

I know that seems minute but I think I’ve had an attitude for a few days now.

I always take her with my to get her nails done and it has become our girl time but she’s still 3, so I would only take her if I knew it would be a quick polish change.

Idk I guess I’m just venting.

Before I opened my eyes I prayed and tried to manifest for a good day... 30 minutes later, I’m in my feelings.