help idk what’s wrong with my body

I took a Plan B in September and October which I am never taking Plan B again I’m looking to get into birth control soon, I got my last period in October and I haven’t had one since and also was testing negative every two weeks or so. two days ago I had enough blood coming out to be a period And I also felt super nauseous and sharp abdominal pain that day after I ate which is very weird because I didn’t know what was wrong and I knew that I wasn’t pregnant.. it was bright red blood and a tiny little clot so I knew it wasn’t implantation bleeding but since then I’ve had no blood and yesterday I felt so terrible I had to take a 800 mg ibuprofen just to feel better and I had to force myself to eat but I literally wanted to throw up if I did. so now my question is does Plan B mess up your cycle to the point where you’re bleeding and then not bleeding? because now it’s like I’m not even on my period and it’s really annoying because I just want to get it and I don’t want to keep feeling nauseous. usually I get heavy periods especially the first couple days but I also read that Plan B can make them lighter. thanks for the help :(