Later periods the last few months ...


So I first got my period when I was only 10 years old. I’m 34 now so that’s 24 years of periods already 😒. When I was 19 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and I’ve also had many, many ovarian cysts. Despite all my issues I’ve ALWAYS been very regular. So regular that I’ve always found out that I was pregnant within the first week. Anyway, the last few months (probably around 5) my periods have been late. And not just a couple days. Like upwards of 2 weeks each time. I just got my period after it being 12 days late this time. Anyone else experience this? Maybe because I’m getting older? My youngest child is 3 so its been a while. My hormones shouldn’t be out of wack. I’m calling my dr tomorrow for a checkup but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to post in here and see if anyone else has experienced anything similar. Thanks ladies!