Fired twice in a row

So I need to rant so here u go. I got out of hair school 1 year ago and starting my career I’ve been trying to find a job at salons but I was let go 2 times at my first salon they put me behind a computer when I asked to be a stylist but since no one took me in to teach me they put me as a receptionist and I only worked there for 3 days and corona came around and everything closed once we opened back up I went for another 4 days and they let me go saying that I kept messing up the schedule and not doing it right and they also fired me through text message after I worked that following day and honestly it made me depressed and started crying cause I feel like I’m going no where in my career few months later I found a new salon and I really thought I found the place I call home and a work family but no I was wrong again my first week they put me as a shampoo tech and I worked a week earlier than I was suppose to cause one of the girls made a huge problem cause she wanted my position and they split it between me and her so I worked there for a week and the owner asked me to give her a shampoo so I did and after I could hear her from across the salon making fun of me and the other stylist saying I was weird the way I was doing it and she was imitating the way I did it to other stylist to me I just ignored it and kept doing my thing a new girl came in to help out at the salon and they were also talking shit about her to the other stylist and to me I hate drama so me and the new girl became friends and talked at work and the manager came up to her and asked what we were talking about when I left to do my work after that day they gave us a talk outside saying that I shouldn’t be talking to her and the reason we’re having this talk is so when they talk with her about her not doing a good job she wouldn’t feel left out but they started saying I didn’t want to learn and there is no drive even tho I posted my business everyday on social passef out cards and played with their mannequin hair at the salon and started comparing me to the girl that made a problem about me having the position she wanted and they started saying when the owner is talking make sure you let her finish talking before you start talking for me I was really upset by that and hurt so the next day I came up to her and started talking to her that it didn’t sit right with me what she said and I did tear up a little due to frustration about everything and so she told the owner to come talk to me and basically she told me that I’m not open to learning stuff even tho they didn’t teach me anything and when I asked her questions she told me that I’m asking too many question that my brain can’t handle and after more and more drama happened like the owner gave me clothes from her boutique but without saying anything just handing me it and leaving and then started talking shit to the other stylist saying I didn’t say thank you and after I came up to her and asked her what she wants me to do with the clothes and she told me to keep it. and I felt it that they were trying to get rid of me and heard them talking shit about me so they let me go this week and told me they let me go cause a stylist overheard me comment to a stylist that “she has too many cliente” and it hurt their feelings and tells me they probably took it the wrong way and probably misunderstood you and that they couldn’t provide me education cause they needed to concentrate on the other girl who got mad about the position. So now I’m here starting over with my career twice and not knowing what to do next cause I don’t want to give up but finding a place to call my work home... Idk if anybody has any advice for me I do apologize cause this is a huge message and I just needed to rant