Updated!!! The most embarrassing thing!!!

UPDATE: so long story short I have been avoiding him lol 😂 I skipped over the part of where his 🍆 was like super small. Which I’m the type who says “size matters”. So I just decided for us to stick to oral. Now I have not talked to him about meeting up again, just “hey how’ve you been” texts. I can’t do that with him anymore it was way to embarrassing and I found out he’s attracted to guys to! So it’s just a who fn messs. I don’t mind lgbtq+ but I don’t wanna mess around with someone who does the do with men. So yup and I also didn’t mean to type “Alex” lmfao I meant sex 🤦🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

So this guy and I have been talking for about 3 months now. We had Sex for the first time tonight. Let me tell you it was going beyond wonderful. He definitely is the type to love to go down on a women and see her satisfaction. Wellllll my body couldn’t handle it. TMI he was making me climax so many times. But then.........

We were getting ready to have him get on top after going down on me. And I smelled something horrible 😬😳 yall when I say that last climax I felt my soul leave my body when he was down there. He tossed me to the side and got on top. BUT This mf right here....ME! I LOOKED OVER AND SAW some booboo like some poop I was like wtfff who pooped. It was me omfg when I say EMBARRASSING that’s the little word to say. I was wanting to cry inside. I laughed then ripped the blankets off the bed and jumped my self in the shower. He was laughing and hugging me saying it’s ok. Idk wth happened during thats last time. But I don’t I donnnntttttt want it to happen again. I literally told him I wouldn’t be upset if he didn’t call me again. 😩 what do I do. This has never been a issue. Maybe I should eat before we do something.