Letrozole ? Month 2 ttc

Hello guys so Thursday I had a doctor appointment I didn’t ovulate this month. I was tracking last month and this month we are on month two of trying to conceive number 2. I got a postive opk but never a peak last month and this month I tested 2-3 times a day. And nothing! So he said when I start my period call him and he’ll send the prescription for letrozole for me to take. Well Friday I woke up to bloody discharge! ( spotting) and called him I thought it was the start of my period. ) the next day discharge was tinged brown. The next day after that I had some tiny bit of blood mixed in with discharge. Then nothing. Doctor wants me to start the letrozole today ( for 5 days and have the ultrasound next Monday) he’s taking the bleeding as my period even though it’s a week early. Lol app says 2 days until period lol. Has anyone taken letrozole like this?

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