
Grace 🦋 pcos 🌻 👧🏻👧🏼👼🏼

I posted a few weeks ago that we were told our puppy might have laryngeal paralysis and would need a tie back surgery . However we after seeing 2 specialist they told us she doesn’t have that and won’t need that surgery but that she has polymyopathy . The vet said her muscles would get too hard and tight almost which was causing the stiffness and would make her collapse . They want to do a muscle biopsy to further diagnose her and they started us on medicine . She went from having daily episodes of stiff legs and slow motor skills and having issues breathing to not having a single episode so far . She’s like a whole new puppy. She has been running around more without falling or getting stiff , she doesn’t struggle breathing or make those weird breathing sounds anymore , even her drooling has gone down. But I’m curious, has anyone else gone through this with their dog ?? We are so happy she seems to be doing better and not struggling . The vet doesn’t think she will progress and get worse at all and doesn’t think she’s in pain either .