He doesn't help much financially, should I be annoyed?


We've been together for almost 5 years and we just had twins who are 2months now. He has a start up business that he started last July and has dumped thousands into it. He's even asked me to invest 300-400 at times. I have more money saved than him so he makes me feel like I'm petty for asking for his financial help. Mothers know pumps assesories, formula, diapers, and other baby items are expensive. He won't offer to help unless I ask or request the money on cashapp. I'm not asking for him to do everything but I feel like he doesn't do enough for the family. He buys groceries occasionally but not nearly as much as I do. He's putting way more money onto his business and neglecting the family because he knows I have money. He says I can't read your mind, you have to tell me if you need something because my mind is on the business. He has not made any significant return on his business yet but he keeps buying things for it and expanding it. I don't want to seem like I'm not supportive but he acts as if he's a provider and he's not. Advice please...

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