Venting and ranting


Let me preface this by saying, I love my mom and we are very close.

Right now, I’m just exhausted and fed up with everything due to having had a very shitty last few months. Deaths in the family, husband having covid, daughter feeling depressed and missing her friends etc..

My mom hates the name we have chosen for our new baby girl. She refuses to use the name ( she actually picked the middle name , it was on her list, she seems to have forgotten that ) Now normally I wouldn’t care, she barely uses my first child’s name that she chose because that’s her princess/baby, super fine with that.

I don’t care if she gives her a nickname , that’s not the upsetting part, what’s upsetting is her constant need to berate me for the name and she continues to bring up how much she hates it, trying to get me to change it ( I’m 22 weeks, so baby isn’t born yet )

This name is the only name my husband and I could agree on and it holds a big significance for us both, he loves my mom but he is starting to get aggravated when we talk because I’m always upset once we are off the phone.

My question is, do I bother trying to discuss it with her or do I just let her continue. Is it worth the fight? Am I just extra hormonal right now and it would only cause more problems?

I haven’t seen my mom in a year due to covid and logistics, I live 9 hours away. It’s been VERY hard on us both , so we try to talk at least once a week for 5-6 hours. I’m wondering if that’s adding to the issue, she’s just hurt she wasn’t included as much as she wants to be and so forth ( again, she had the middle name on her list AND she chose my first daughters name )