Buying a house


My boyfriend and I have a 19 week old together. We’ve had a lot of issues in our relationship (me finding out he’d been cheating on me throughout the entirety of our relationship through 8 months preggo when the girl reached out to me and then about 3 months postpartum me admitting to him I snooped and found pics/vids of other women on his hard drive). Needless to say there are lots of trust issues. We had originally planned to move in together at the end of my lease in March but after I told him about the pics/vids I found he said I set our relationship waaayyy back and he began telling ppl that I’m moving in March and that he’ll be looking for a new place when his lease is up. I took that to mean he no longer wanted to move forward with moving in together. With that, I decided to buy a home instead of renting again, thinking that if/when we do decide to move in, I can just rent out my property. I have a 5 yr old outside of him and always thought id have a home by the time he started kindergarten so it’s been a personal goal for me. I talked to him about it and initially he said “oh, that’s a really good idea.” Fast forward to the next day and he claims he is so hurt and angry and I’m not making him feel safe/secure in this relationship b/c I’m buying something on my own. I apologized for assuming that we weren’t moving in together just yet since we didn’t have a formal discussion about it. I thanked him for calling out my blind spot if it seems I was not acting with “us” in mind. He’s still SUPER upset (like no consoling him). I’m really trying to look at this from a perspective that he’s just speaking out of hurt but part of me feels like it’s really just his insecurities and guilt (from cheating). He still doesn’t even want to talk about it and my lease ends in less than 2 months. What would you do? Hold off on buying a house? Or go ahead and look for homes?