Heartbroken đź’”

It was one thing to believe I could never conceive but to finally conceive only to be told my pregnancy is abnormal and miscarriage is inevitable is a different type of hurt. To just sit and wait around to start bleeding is painful. Yes it is very early and there was no baby only a ball of cells but that was my ball of cells, we worked so hard to finally create that ball of cells.

HCG was a 5 and progesterone was a 3.

My husband told me “we have to try again, yes we’ve tried for a year but we’ve only been ovulating since December, to be pregnant after only two months is progression.”

He is right but I think this hurts more than the year we had only negative tests. I wish I could’ve just believed this was a late period. It might hurt a little less.

Sorry for the vent ladies, our families don’t know we are ttc so this was the only place I could turn.