Opinion on elementary age boys and girls playing


Just a question since I sometimes don’t know what to do when it comes to kids.

I have 10 year old boy twins and my boyfriends daughter is 9. So we were at a park where his parents live and my boys start talking to an 11 year old boy. 4-5 more boys came up (friends of the 11 year old) and they asked my boys if they wanted to play baseball. His daughter walked up to play also and even though you could tell they didn’t want her playing, they let her. Boyfriend was getting mad at them since they kept calling her pink shirt and she kept shrieking that that wasn’t her name. They also called my boys by the name of their shirts. I didn’t see a problem and my boys didn’t care. They didn’t know their names either. But I guess they had to call her “name” more often because she doesn’t know anything about baseball and they’d have to tell her where to go.

So my thought was this is a small group of boys likely 9-12 years old and she’s the only girl and it probably wasn’t a good match for them to play together. Would you have called her back to play with someone else or felt that she should continue playing with these boys?

My boyfriend always feels like everyone should include her but I feel that groups of boys or girls, especially that age would likely rather play on their own and I don’t see an issue with that. I’d feel completely different if there were another girl in the mix.