Long read? Should I be concerned ?
I wonder if anyone has some insight on my fertility journey? Either from past experiences or medical knowledge?
I fell pregnant accidentally in December 2016, I was 19 and my now fiancé was 21. I was on the mini pill and had missed a few days because of a bug! A day or so after my BFP I started bleeding not lots but bright red blood alongside awful cramping on my left side. It turned out to be an ectopic on my left Fallopian tube but was very small and hadn’t ruptured it was treated with methotrexate. I was told it was just a fluke and I grieved and moved on.
Flash forward a year to 2017 we decided after our previous loss that we wanted to have a baby, we had a house and we’re happy in our relationship so we started trying and I fell pregnant within 2 cycles I think it was late November 2018. All was well the pregnancy was confirmed in my uterus and I had fallen pregnant from my left Fallopian tube which was the side I had my previous ectopic on so that was great news! Sadly at a viability scan at around 9 weeks 4 days there was no heartbeat. The measurements were pretty accurate so the baby had obviously died not long before the scan.
I also suffered with HG (extreme pregnancy sickness) with this pregnancy and was in and out of hospital for IVS and medication. Then the night before my scan I just started feeling better which was obviously because the baby had died. This was January 2018.
I had a D&C to remove the pregnancy shortly after and had to go for a second D&C due to some left tissue in Feb. We waited 2 cycles before trying again and I fell pregnant pretty much straight away again in April. This pregnancy was successful although I suffered from HG again but my perfect boy was born in January 2019 born at 41 weeks weighing 8lb 14 oz! He’s absolutely prefect and so healthy and strong!
This then brings me to present day. My son turned 2 in January and we started trying again December 2020 I fell straight away again first cycle! I’m now 23 almost 24. I had an early scan booked at the EPU unit January 8th I was supposed to be bang on 5 weeks. Nothing was seen on the ultrasound I had a blood HCG test to see if maybe I was a little behind and my levels were at 1300 so they thought it was just too early to see anything. I had a follow up scan 2 days later and still nothing then my levels started dropping from 1300 to 1200, 900, 500 and then eventually 30. I lost the baby again very early but AGAIN! I couldn’t believe it it’s something I never thought I would have to go through again! The pregnancy can’t of been more than 4-4.5 weeks as nothing was seen on the ultrasound and nothing in tubes either. I miscarried naturally at home 5 days of bleeding and then it was over. I ovulated 2 weeks later so we’ve tried again !
I know they won’t look into anything as you have to have 3 losses consecutive but I am really concerned there’s something wrong with me? I’m so young ! Could this really be just bad luck! Praying to god that my next pregnancy is ok!!! 🤞🏻My mum gave birth to 5 healthy children but has suffered about 3 miscarriages in between 2 early and one was around 20 weeks! She’s the same as me falls easy. Could it just be genetic ?
Has anyone got any opinions or similar experiences/outcomes ?
Baby dust to you all ❤️
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.