Trigger* possible miscarriage again

I thought this is probably the best forum to get an answer.

I'm only 13dpo, got a VfL at 8dpo and a bfp9dpo. The line had been progressing ever since.

Yesterday evening I started having brown spotting. I wasn't to worried at first.

But then today it turned into almost neon pink bleeding. It's so bright! And its more of a mild to moderate bleed.

So I called my GP who referred me to EGU. They did an ultrasound and checked beta HCG levels. They came back at 30iu (going by ovulation I'd be 3w6d today). The ultrasound obviously didn't show anything at all other than my endometrium being 9.6mm which I think is normal.

Did any of you have there betas checked this early and can tell me if I have any hope left? I'm going back in a week, which is such a long wait! I just can't be in this much limbo. I'm going back and forth between sobbing my heart out and trying to think this isn't it yet.

I just don't have any experience with all these numbers etc.