Feeling disappointed and anxious after 6 week ultrasound


Please let me know what you think of the ultrasound image. I had a weird cycle last month and while the start of my last period was 12/5, I didn’t ovulate until 1/4. I got a faint positive and an HCG level of 26 on 1/15. When I called to make an appointment I tried to explain how the normal calculations won’t work for me since my cycle was weird, but they wouldn’t listen and booked it for 2/1 when I estimated to be 6 weeks. I knew it would be a bit early to see much, but because I had an HCG of 8,242 on 1/28 I thought I would AT LEAST see a yolk sac. She did the scan super quickly and just said everything was very small and hard to see. The ultrasound (transvaginal) looked way blurrier than any ultrasound I had ever seen. She said she saw a small “something” at the top corner of the sac, but when I asked her if it was the yolk sac, she said “she couldn’t say” :((( I could see something but it was more opaque than other pictures of yolk sacs I’ve seen. She measured the “something” at 5 weeks 5 days and said that seemed on track when using my ovulation to calculate to age (duh). She didn’t even mention a heartbeat or the sac size (seems skinny to me). They’re making me wait another 3 weeks and I’m trying not to be anxious about it, but I can’t help think there’s something wrong and she didn’t want to tell me. She didn’t even give me any advice. She just handed me a packet. Please let me know when you first saw a defined yolk sac/fetal pole, heartbeat, etc (especially of you went to kaiser) and show me your ultrasounds from 5.5 to 6 weeks if you have them please! I’m trying so hard not to freak out.