Pelvic pain - 2 weeks postpartum.


I had my baby on 01/20/21, he was 8 lb 8 oz.. well since birth, I’ve had really bad pelvic pain anytime I stand for longer than 10 mins. Which means when I walk, it gets even worse (I have two toddlers too, so not walking isn’t much of an option 😅) but is this normal? My second baby was 9 lb 13 oz and I never even had this pelvic pain after having him. When the pain is bad and I go pee, I have to stop peeing for a second because the pressure and pain. It feels like my bones are just going to fall out of my body. I don’t know how to explain it. My postpartum appointment isn’t for another 4 weeks, but I wasn’t sure if I should try to be seen earlier or if this is normal and will eventually stop.