Confused and worried


Hi ladies,

Hoping someone can give me there opinions/ advise.

Last period started on the 28th December 2020, on 26th January 2021, period was due, didn’t come so took a test and come back positive.

My first HCG was 150, that was tested on Friday 29th. Yesterday done another hcg results come back at 540. My doctor requested I go for an early ultrasound ( this point only 5 weeks ) - requested this as had miscarriages in the past, have endo and pros. went today and they didn’t see anything, they said it is either to early or it could be an ectopic pregnancy. Tomorrow have to go for another blood test for HCG and hopefully they have gone up.

I have had slight bit of cramping, nothing to serious.

Should my HCG be higher or is that a good level ?

Really just wanting to know if I should be worried, or if anyone has gone through this before.

Thank you