Early pregnancy bleeding??


Hey ladies, I’m super confused and just need some insight and help.

I was about 8-9 days late for my period, took a pregnancy test two mornings ago that came out positive. I did have massive cravings & tender/swollen breasts. I started bleeding later that night on my shift a little bit to which it continued on through the night all through the next day till today, right now.

I took another pregnancy test yesterday morning, positive. This is my first and it would absolutely break my heart to lose a baby I’ve been trying for for 3 years.

The blood hasn’t soaked through anything, I did have minor, almost nothing type of cramps the first night. It seems light but then sometimes there will be tiny little clots with dark blood.. I went to docs yesterday for blood work and they took a pee test (I was drinking water alll day long and hardly had any pee) it came back negative so i thought maybe water diluted it BUT this morning I take my last pregnancy test I had and it didn’t show a line, I don’t think?

I’m just waiting on results back from blood work, but that negative test really got to me, am I not pregnant? Did I miscarry? What’s going on , please help me out :( I would be about 4 weeks I believe