Please help.

Okay. So my last af was December 15-19. Just my usual 5 day af with my cycles being 28-30 days long. Me and my SO had sex a lot before, (tmi) once during my af and after my af. We have sex a LOT. With that being said, I ovulated on cd 8 or 9 I believe. I was using an opk kit and trying to temp. I also spotted pink and brown at that time. Fast forward to January. My period was 4 days late! I’ve NEVER been late for af. Sometimes early but never late. On the 5th day of missing af, I started spotting pink, which turned to a super light flow, orangish pink in color. Which only lasted 4 days. Barley had to change a pad throughout the day because it was so light. Today is 14 days after having that weird af and I’m spotting super light pink. I will include a picture. But I’m so confused and could really use some insight! Has anyone had any similar experiences? Also I will add that, in December when I think I ovulated, after that my temp stayed super high and STILL is! So from December to now, my temp has been super high. I thought that your temp was supposed to drop during af?? Someone please give me some insight or stories if you’ve experienced this. Thanks!