Can’t deal with loss😭


I’ve had problems with my pregnancy since the beginning, I’ve been bleeding since Christmas morning but due to a hematoma and at 10-11 weeks I got the genetic testing done and found out that the baby tested positive for trisomy 13 and 18. So we already knew our baby most likely wasn’t gonna make it and if it did not long. Last Thursday on January 28th I went to a emergency doctors appointment because of a lot of blood a lil more than I have been and lil cramping. That’s when I found out my baby had no heartbeat and I was 14 weeks and that felt like a stab to the chest. So I had options so I ended up taking medicine that day and the next day to try to pass “the baby” they said it would pass as tissue but nothing came out just a lot of blood. So on the 31st I woke up with severe pain to where I was shaking so I was rushed to the hospital in a ambulance and I couldnt stop bleeding it was all the way to my ankles. Turns out I was in labor and at 9:15am I gave birth to my lil boy I wasn’t expecting that to happen but he was only 4 inches fully formed with his lil fingers and toes and ears and mouth. It’s just heartbreaking and depressing to go thru and now he’s getting cremated but I don’t know how to move on from this