Not wanting milk


Mamas! I’m at my wits end here. One week ago, Allison suddenly wants little to nothing to do with my breast milk/a bottle. I exclusively pump. Some feedings I’m able to get 3 ounces into her (she used to guzzle 4-6 per feeding). And some feedings, nothing. I thought maybe she was preferring solids so I stopped for a couple days, and she’s still protesting. I did give her some milk via a spoon a few days ago and she kept opening her mouth for more, but this is an impractical way for me to keep feeding her. But last night, I tried mixing milk with all sorts of things and spoon feeding her since she refuses to open her mouth for a bottle. She didn’t want anything to do with the mixed milk via spoon either. I’ve tried an open cup, and she spits it out. She loves water, and I put a little in a bottle and she refuses it. 2 seconds later, she drinks the same water from a glass. I’ve tried different bottles to no avail. I’ve tried different rooms in the house, sitting upright, different flow nipples, frozen milk pops, etc. The only time I’ve been able to get her to take any is when she’s half asleep. Now she’s waking up every night starving and I’m able to give her a bottle at that point, which she usually still doesn’t finish but drinks most of. She’s still having wet and dirty diapers and is her happy self otherwise. We coincidentally had a ped appointment the first day of this strike and the dr said she’s probably teething. But still zero teeth as of yet. Is this normal teething behavior? Any other suggestions on how to get her to take milk? I’ve ordered a transition supply cup that’s coming today but I’m not hopeful. Should I call her dr and press her that it might not be teething? I’m a FTM and have no idea what this process is supposed to look like! Thanks!