Just morning sickness or HG?



Second pregnancy here.

7wks and a few days (differs from early scan so I’d be 7wks 1 day based on scan but 7wks 5days based on LMP).

I don’t think it’s just regular sickness I think it’s becoming worse than that.

I’ve struggled now for last two weeks or so.

Started with occasional nausea but within. Days escalated to constant now vomiting many many times a day or night. Every other hour or so. Even wake in the night and sick.

Almost a week ago I managed to self refer to early pregnancy unit and get cyclizine after GP refused stating should manage dietary ( tried everything but I asked for them before sickness started as knew how would turn out.)

I can’t keep anything down.

I went to midwife yesterday who couldn’t do my bloods (dehydrated she said. Tried and failed 6 times.)

Any other tips to keep myself hydrated? I’m sipping ice cold fluids (water and juice)

Ice pops

Eating little and often

Cyclizine x3 a day

Travel sickness bands.

It’s so hard especially with a 21 month old too!

If these don’t work (cyclizine) the midwife said I can ask for odansetron to take along side.

Anyone tried these together?

Did it help.

I was similar with daughter but this sickness feels much much worse.

Praying it does ease off in next few weeks but not confident as lasted til before 30 weeks with daughter.