For anyone who did a web baby shower....

Without a live zoom component— did people buy off your registry / leave comments on the page?

All family and most friends are out of state and in different time zones. A zoom get-together sounded really awkward, so a friend set up a Web Baby Shower website for me.

I really wanted people to sign the “guest book” so I could have a keepsake and have support since we are so isolated away from family + with COVID.

I specifically reached out to several people and let them know it would mean the world to me if they just left a comment on the guestbook. So far, no one is signing the guestbook and only one item bought off registry list...

Feeling bummed about lack of support and also trying to navigate when we will have to buy all registry items for ourselves.

Curious what others’ experiences are with web baby showers without a live video component?