its 5:30pm on the day my AF should show and bfn


no spotting or anything... yesterday and the day before i felt af would arrive any moment but today im not crampy or fatigued anymore

usually i have atleast spotting in the early morning or day before but nothing

ive been taking tests like crazy (poas addict 😅) since 7dpo (ik ik) and all bfns.

today its 13dpo of my 29 day cycle, my cycles are conplete clockwork, never a day late

blazing positive opk cd 16, so possible O’d cd 16, 17, or 18 (i beleive 17th most likely?)

this would be my third child (if god grants me pregnancy this cycle)

i’ve had no strikingly obviously symptoms thus far, just things that could be in my head or be pms anyways

anyone get bfns even on day period was due (or 13dpo) and go on to have bfp later? i feel my chances are so slim but its hard not to feel hopeful while af is still hiatus 😅

(BDed many times everyday through entire fertile window so 😬)