This is embarrassing for me but oh well


Hi all,

So I have struggled with C-PTSD, BPD, narcolepsy type 1 as well as a severe eating disorder for years. I am about to (hopefully) go on disability because working has been beyond difficult. Hopefully I discharge from this residential program (it’s my first one) and then complete my degree and get work and get on with my life. I do want to recover.

Anyways, I’m asking about hygiene on here because some days it’s just really really hard. I know it’s not good and I know that it’s part of being an adult but my brain doesn’t always know that. I have quite severe fatigue so doing daily tasks is really hard. (Like changing your liner, cleaning your menstrual cup, even showering. I know. :/ )

If anyone has any tips, please let me know. I don’t like this :// <3