39+4 birth story


Woke up at 1:30am with diarrhea and losing mucus, some cramping with a strong feeling labor was near..went back to sleep until 530am and went to the bathroom lost more mucus. Back to sleep until 620, walked to the bathroom and felt a small gush that filled my underwear and trickle down my leg. Woke husband up to tell him it’s time.

Got to the hospital 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. Contractions started slowly and far apart. By noon I was 4cm and ready for the epidural. By 230 only progressed to 5cm, so they started a small dose of petocin. An hour and a half later at 4:00 they checked me again, 9.5cm! By 4:15 I was 10cm and ready to push.

Noah was born at 4:59pm after 10.5 hours of labor! 6lbs 15oz and 20.5 inches long. No rips or tears and he’s healthy as can be!