Struggling. Parenting a toddler and pregnant

I am struggling BAD. I have an almost 2 year old and I’m 25 weeks pregnant with my second. Every day is a struggle lately.. So much happens daily and I don’t know where to start so I will just describe the events that happened this morning.

My daughter has a habit of putting her hands in her pants. This happened this morning while I was making breakfast and she stuck her hands down her pants and apparently had pooped and I hadn’t noticed. She wants me to pick her up so I do and she touches my face with the poop hand...... That was frustrating and drained all of my patience and mommy super power and I seriously wanted to cry. So I decide we both need a bath. We do and then get out and it’s time to get dressed. Dressing her is a struggle because she doesn’t want to get dressed. But I eventually manage and then begin dressing myself which she becomes upset about because I am no longer holding her. It took 15-20 minutes to get the both of us dressed.. after all of this I take her to watch a movie so things will settle down and I can get off my feet for a few minutes. But then she proceeds to climb every piece of furniture we have, spits her water into the floor, has a few random crying/whining spells and I just feel myself becoming more and more drained. I feel like everything is so much more difficult than it has to be. It feels like it’s too much for me sometimes. She’s very needy (which I know is completely normal for this age) but it is taking a toll on me and I feel like a terrible parent for it. I’m burnt out and feel guilty and somewhat angry. I’m not sure if other parents go through this or if it’s just really hard because I’m pregnant but today has felt like a nightmare.