For all those asking what are they carrying


Just wanted to share

Just as every mom, especially first time mom after habitual miscarriages i was so eager to find out is my baby a boy or a girl. I was going by symptoms, heart rate , ramzi theory , eveeerything.

You know how they say , if its a girl there is more morning sickness, more acne,bad skin, greaser hair, higher fetal heart rate(above 150) , you get your hips before bump show, blah blah ..well thats crap. But at least you have some fun trying to figure out 😅

I was sick maybe a few days at 7-8 week, did not vommit, my skin stayed the same, hair also, babys heart rate was all the time 138-145 , i only got my bump and did not get hips or anything, my boobs were not sore at all until like 15-16 week when i started noticing few veins and pain but only during the night time. And i just found out im having a girl 100% , a girl with no pregnancy symptoms but i was convinced its a boy 😅

Theory that worked for me and few other people was only skull theory. And just for fun when i was 9-10 weeks i did the thing with pee and baking soda and it was correct for me 😅

Good luck to everybody and i wish you happy and a full term pregnancies with healthy beautiful babies! ❤