I think I messed up

So I kicked my boyfriend out a couple weeks ago because I had enough of him bashing me. Calling me names like a bitch, whore, stupid, etc. Especially in front of our son. He has been physically and, in my opinion, emotionally abusive. More emotionally abusive than physically, and he denies the physical abuse. Although the day before I kicked him out he told me that if it wasn't for me being pregnant I would have had my face beat in.

Well, a few days of him being out of the house, and he began sending texts about he thought we would be together forever and blah blah blah. He was only let back in so long as he works on his anger and his abusive manners. Which his response was that he would try. I told him if there was anything that I needed to work on I would. He gave me nothing.

Yesterday we got into an argument and he told me that the only reason he came back was because I was going to work on my yelling. Which was never the agreement. He said he didn't have to work on himself because he does nothing wrong. Even though he has admitted to the name calling and emotional abuse. Said he only came back because he missed our son.

I am pregnant and we have a 15 month old son who are the reasons I invited him back on the conditions I did. However, I think it may have been the wrong choice.