Can’t help but to compare my relationship to others

I feel awful but I can’t help to compare my relationship to others.

I’m happy in my relationship and found a great, reliable, sweet man. He works hard, he’s sweet to me, writes be letters, I’m attracted to him and he is so respectful. We have a very healthy relationship. And our each other’s best friends. But when I’m with other couples, I can’t help but to just compare others to us. Like for example, my guy isn’t the best conversationalist at family gatherings. He’s a little more quiet and socially awkward but it only bothers me when we are in social settings. I can accept it because he is just the best guy and there for me emotionally and we have a great time together.

Idk what I’m feeling this way. It would be hard to find someone just as great and someone that I have a great time with. Itsjust in social settings I feel like he freezes up. I never bring this up to him because I don’t want him to feel bad or self conscious.

It’s not terribly important but I would like him to have a conversation with family members when we get together. He is very outgoing with his friends that he’s known his whole life and his family though