Can cycle day 21 bloods be done on day 20 or day 22?



My cycle day 21 bloods fall on a Sunday - typical! I wondered if it was still okay to have them taken on Monday instead which will be day 22 of my cycle.

This will be the first test for my fertility journey as I have been TTC for 1 year I have “suspected” PCOS but the Dr wants to confirm it with tests.

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This might be a bad idea if you tend to ovulate earlier than cd14 as the progesteron levels might result to be too low because the blood was drawn later and you have let say 24 or 25 days cycle anyway


Mariya • Feb 12, 2021
If it is longer than 26 days it might be okay especially if you have more than 12 days lutheal phase. Mine has been ten or 11 days last 2 years so if I ovulate on cd 14 I might get my period on cd 25 or 26. This is exactly what happened when my progesterone got tested. My period came on cd 25 and on cd 21 it was already borderline normal.


Natalie • Feb 9, 2021
Thank you for your response. I have irregular cycles and they tend to be longer, so I’m thinking it might be OK.


Posted at
Ahhhh! I feel like I’m reading my own post! 🤣😍my cycle day 21 fell on a Sunday too, so I got them done on the Monday and my doctor said everything was fine, also same with the PCOS, I seemed to have a fair few follicles on my ovaries, but no other typical symptoms of it. Also one year of trying! He just started me on metformin 500mg a day. Baby dust to us both! 💕


Ke • Feb 10, 2021
I had literally NONE! Healthy weight, no excess hair, perfectly scheduled periods, so this came as a shock to me! I know how you feel, it so nerve racking. Has your other half done a test too? X


Natalie • Feb 10, 2021
Oh wow!! What symptoms of PCOS do you have? My doctor isn’t even sure that I have it! I’m so inpatient now just want all the tests done already 💖


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Yep! Just go on the next week day 😊


Natalie • Feb 7, 2021
Thank you 💗


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Natalie • Feb 7, 2021
Thank you for your quick response!