Dietary or other steps during TTC/FW


Hello ladies 🌻 my husband and I are TTC#1 for 4 months now. I was wondering if you all have taken special steps to help increase your chances to conceive: diet (caffeine), tablets, exercise or anything else. What about your significant other/partner?

I am looking forward to any ideas that might be helpful 💛 thanks

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Posted at
This might be a total coincidence, but I did a Whole30 one month before conceiving #1 and was in the middle of a Whole30 the same month I conceived #2.


Laura • Feb 8, 2021
It’s a 30-day program of eliminating all grains, dairy, legumes, sugar, and alcohol, usually followed by a careful reintroduction of each of those types of food and careful observation to see how your body reacts. They lay out the whole program on their website, and it’s all free.


Shibani • Feb 8, 2021
What does Whole30 mean?


Posted at
Also TTC#1 month 4! I've been taking EU naturals Conception & Glow Vitamins to help with conceiving😇


el • Mar 24, 2021
Currently on month 5 of ttc and had been taking those for 4 months and so far nothing yet 😅


Okot • Mar 24, 2021
Did it work for you??asking coz I’m taking those too


Shibani • Feb 8, 2021
I’m taking prenatal vitamins too :)