

Ok so ive had somewhat irregular periods for a couple years. And in that time between birth controls and hormones and the irregularities I thought I was pregnant multiple times. Always a false alarm. But I’ve been completely off bc for over a year now and I had 3 months with normal regularly timed periods. But now it has been 6 weeks and 3 days since the end of my last period, and 2 weeks since my predicted one was supposed to start. I took a clearblue test after my period was 2-3 days late and it was negative. But Idk what to think honestly. Me and my bf have been very active, and we were unknowingly very active during the predicted ovulation window, but the thing is although we haven’t used any protection, my

bf is basically jus using all the false alarms and saying I won’t get pregnant.🤷🏼‍♀️ ofc he’d be happy if I was, after the initial freak out 😂 but I’m scared to tell him how late I am. The furthest along I could possibly be is 5 weeks, and the shortest is like 3 weeks and a day (I think if I’m counting right 🤷🏼‍♀️) so like idk what to do. I don’t wanna freak anyone out or stress about it, and I don’t wanna seem like the crazy chic that says she’s pregnant every month, but this seems like it might actually be happenings this time. Idk fingers crossed tho 🤞 ig I jus am tryna get advice/opinions idk also it’s nice to vent.

I’ll add screenshots of my calendar for reference. (And bc if I’m counting wrong someone lmk)

Wow that was longer than I intended it to be. Thanks for anyone who stuck thru the whole thing 😂❤️