Going on week 6 of Period?!

Colleen • Wife, Mommy, and fur-mama 👨‍👩‍👧🐶🐶🐶

Hey y’all!

So I was wondering if anyone has had this same experience.

Background: I have PCOS, I’ve had 2 pregnancies in the last 2 years - babies are 18 months apart, I got my tubes tied when I had my second c-section in June 2020.

I got my “first” period since having my baby January 2nd.... I’ve been bleeding since then. I had the normal light, medium, heavy and then it just died down to light, then varied to medium, right now I’m in a heavy phase.

I did go to the OBGYN on week 3-4 of the period, because it was abnormal and I knew I needed to get my thyroid levels checked because I read that can affect your cycle. (I have a history of hypothyroidism in my family). Doc left it as it’s my first period back so it’s a build up of my lining) well 3 days later I call to get my results and my thyroid levels are extremely low indicating hyperthyroidism. Now I’m set up to see a GP to get a more in depth panel done in March.

Just want to know if anyone has had this happen?!