Implantation bleeding? Not having usual PMS symptoms...


At 8dpo after sex, I got a little dark pink speck when I sat on the toilet to pee.. while the semen was coming out (sorry, TMI!) and then last night at 9dpo I had light-brownish/orangish spotting only when I wiped. This morning at 10dpo I had a little bit more of that discharge when I wiped.

I do sometimes spot before my period starts but she’s not due for another 4 days! Could this be implantation bleeding?

Also... before AF I crave chocolate like crazy... and right now the thought of chocolate is pretty unappealing. I’m also not having my usual PMS cramps. Could that be an early pregnancy symptom / a sign that AF isn’t coming?

A few of my normal PMS symptoms ARE happening though, like my boobs are bigger and sore, I’m emotional, and I’m tired.

I took a test this morning.. stark white BFN. Starting to lose hope but wondering if any of you ladies had a similar experience and ended up with your BFP❤️