Issues with OB?


This is in regards to later in the pregnancy and for labor/delivery. But if anyone could give me any advice or tell me if it's normal or not it would be greatly appreciated.

To start off, for my last two pregnancies (first and second kid) I had a different OB than I do now. He has since retired before I got pregnant again, to which I dont blame him at all. He was a male OB, and before I found him I had tried literally 5 other female OBs who all treated me like I was a moron.

For this pregnancy I had to pick a new OB, and for the most part I like her but not fully.

So the beginning of this 3rd pregnancy (we were using condoms AND pulling out with the condom still on him, and yet got pregnant?? Like cool) was rough because not only was it a surprise pregnancy, but I had a lot of bleeding, venous placenta lakes, internal hemorrhage, minor placenta previa (I say minor because it was only covering 2/3rds, not full cervix) and then later into the pregnancy, I wanna say near beginning of 2nd tri I had a minor placenta abruption and more bleeding internally and another venous placenta lake. Lots of cramping and bleeding.

Now im in my 3rd trimester, im actually 31 weeks today, and at my last visit last week I asked my OB out of curiosity if she was planning on doing another scan before labor and delivery to rule out placenta issues and got told no. On top of this I found out i have lower blood pressure, but not low enough to cause concern apparently, and my red blood count and hemoglobin levels were a little lower than normal when I had my blood tests done, and apparently that isn't a cause for concern either. I told her I keep blacking out when I stand up and almost falling down if I'm not near something to catch myself, and she kind of brushed it off.

My first kid had shoulder dystocia when they induced me at 41+ weeks, and my 2nd was born small with his cord wrapped around his neck and the cord was also super skinny, which explains why he was so small. I was told after my 1st was born that I should not go past 40 weeks pregnant to avoid the shoulder dystocia again because it could cause serious complications, so with my 2nd I was induced at 39 weeks.

My OB doesn't want to do a scan, nor does she want to induce me before 40 weeks. Now im not saying induce me stupid early, obviously I'm aware the longer they stay in there the better. But I thought with placenta previa you generally end up with a c section and it was never fully resolved at the last scan I did have way back near the end of 1st tri. They said "it seems like your placenta is moving back up a little" but left it at that. I do NOT want a c section. If I have one I will be at home with a 2.5 and a 3.5 year old and a newborn, alone, while my husband works, trying to recover from a c section. He cannot take weeks off of work to help out without losing his job (thanks america) nor can we afford him to do so regardless.

Am I wrong for being a bit upset with her? I've requested several times they get my records of my last two pregnancies but as far as I know they haven't. But regardless it feels like my concerns and the health and safety of me and my unborn child are being brushed aside. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she's doing what she feels is best, but I still just have this doubt. And how this clinic works is I can't just book an appointment with ultrasound, it has to be through the OB itself, and the OB office has to book the ultrasound. I really don't want to go into labor and delivery and halfway through be told "nope its a c section cuz your placenta is in the way". Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that any labor can end in a c section, but I've had two successful (although not perfect) vaginal deliveries and I'd like to just do this one normal if possible.

Can anyone give me any insight? If I try and switch OBs I'm probably not going to get accepted due to being in 3rd trimester already, plus insurance won't cover if I switch now.