

I wanna preface this with the fact that in LDS it’s a huge part of my life and I have always had faith in Christ and God. But this last year I’ve started to question the plan he has for me. In 2013 I got pregnant with my firstborn and 7 months later she was born stillborn. A year after I had a miscarriage and a year after that we finally got pregnant with my rainbow baby. And through all of that I stayed faithful in the plan. Since then we’ve been trying for another baby for over three years by 2020 and in one year I had three miscarriages. 3! And everyone and there dog is pregnant around me some with only trying once or twice. And I can’t take it anymore. My pregnancy that I got the farthest along with last years due date is next week and my sister in law is having her baby this week and I can’t be excited for her. Even tho we’re friends and it’s their firstborn.