Prescription medications??

Is anyone else on prescription medication for nausea and vomiting? I’m 16 weeks and my nausea/vomiting hasn’t slowed down at all, I can barely eat or take prenatals. I vomit multiple times a day and am nauseous allllll day long. I had to quit my job and now am having my husband look after me while working from home and my mother in law who comes by once a while to help clean the house. I was put first on ondansetron 4mg but that felt like it did nothinggggg. Then I was put on promethazine 12.5mg for every 4 hours & that help but sometimes the vomiting manages to sneak on in still. I feel guilty as hell for taking these pills because I worry for the baby health but I was actually able to eat 3 meals in one day for the first time since getting pregnant. I tried unisom & a vitamin b6 pills as well but they would work only here or there, and I’ve tried to have smaller snacks & ice cold water but it just wasn’t cutting it at all. Any other ladies out there in prescription medication? Is it helping?