Most impressive recovery


This is one of the kittens I kept from that foster litter I had. The person who wanted him bailed on him.

He’s the least pretty of the litter right, like here are his siblings. These are from tonight because I gave the kittens to people I trust and know

And then I have him, which I named Salem lol totally basic but I don’t care. He reminds me of Salem off sabrina. He’s the coolest cat. I love him, I’m going to keep him. Black cats are the most neglected of all cats and I think they’re special.

Enjoy toe beans. He’s up my butt but not to the point that he’s like rubbing his butthole in my face like my other cats. He’s always at my feet like a little guardian. I wake up holding him and I don’t know how he got there. All the sudden he stops doing all of that and is just sleeping on my couch, no energy. Felt like he had a fever.

He caught a severe SEVERE respiratory infection and had to be put on 2 different types of antibiotics and I put him on high nutrient food because he’s only like 4 months old, he’s a baby. He’s not strong enough like the other cats who just needed one antibiotic for a week so that they wouldn’t pass it around to eachother but Salem couldn’t even breathe at night. I would give him cough medication just so he could sleep and rest.

It’s been over a week and I have my baby back. Little goofy thing always at my feet. It’s so relieving when your pet recovers from being sick like that. I thought that if got any worse than what it was, that he’d have to be put down. That’s how sick he was

This year and last year has been so bad I’m so happy to have a win.