

I was wondering if your pregnant especially on your first trimester and your having sex does it hurt you? Does your S/O husband ever felt your cervix closed, cause I just had sex I have few faint positive pregnancy test and positive opks I checked my cervix it is way high very soft and very closed and been having milky CM, I had checked way before we had sex I went to go do blood work 2 weeks ago and dr said was negative but I'm still having positive pregnancy test light my AF was Dec 8 I haven't been checking my ovulation, dr gave me prescription for prenatal vitamins there strong she said for folic iron, to take it in case I'am pregnant cause I have lots of symptoms,some of my test on the 5-6 were very faint so today I tested again and it looks like the ones before I have no idea what is going on, I just wanted to know if anyone ever hurt when having sex and if your husband or boyfriend ever felt it very closed if your pregnant,

