

Anyone have a baby who absolutely will not respond to their name? I'm getting nervous my baby may be autistic. She has almost all the "warning signs". She does not imitate me, wont smile back, I have tried since she was tiny things like patty cake games etc. She will watch me and let me move her but will.not try to do it herself at all.. She does not feel comfortable with eye contact most of the time, but will make some here and there. She even does some arm flapping. She is babbling a lot, but only says Na (mom), Dada, hi, quack and roar (which is good I'm just worried it will stop). She cries hard every time she sees her grandparents for no reason. She plays well alone and prefers it a lot. She will not participate in finding her nose or looking at my face when I try to ask her to point to mine (been working on that since at least 6 months). We haven't had our 15 month appt yet because I just gave birth again in December. I keep telling myself she is just young and working on it all still but the thought is always there. I so hope I am so wrong for her sake. How much of these things are just little kid things versus something I need to be worried about yenno.

On a positive note tho, she is no longer pissed at me for having another baby. Literally shattered my heart how much it seemed to hurt her. She still won't really acknowledge the new babies existence but at least she's acknowledging mine for now lol.

She won't take pictures willingly either, I have to sneak them. 🤷🏼‍♀️