Anxiety about pregnancy after miscarriage


Hello all -

My husband and I suffered a miscarriage almost exactly 1 year ago, in February/March of 2020. We struggled to get pregnant for a whole year after. I was actually scheduled for a diagnostic laparoscopy this past Friday (2/5), so I took a test just for my on peace of mind, and lo and behold, we had a big fat positive! I wasn’t really having any symptoms besides fatigue, but I have a 2 year old, so what mom isn’t exhausted?

Since finding out, my lines have gotten darker, to the point where I don’t think it’s even possible to get darker, I’ve developed a bit of nausea, and I’m getting more fatigued, yet I can’t help but have extreme anxiety that this pregnancy will end in a miscarriage again. I’m having some pelvic pressure, which I know can be normal, but it just makes me worry so much. With it taking a full year to conceive after our last miscarriage....I just don’t think I can do it again.

Anybody have any tips to help reduce anxiety about miscarrying again? I’m really not sure if I want my doctor to check HCG levels, I can’t decide if it’ll help or just add to my stress. Any recommendations?