Leading up to my BFP ✨

1 dpo twinges

2 dpo am/pm twinges, diarrhea, headache(pm)

3 dpo little bit of cramps, (am)headache, tight throat, bloody boogers, nausea

4 dpo dry boogers, cramps, nausea, tight throat

5 dpo very hot throughout the night, dry bloody boogers, body aches, little crampy, tired

6 dpo insomnia, headache, nausea

7 dpo extremely tired, pulling on the left side, bloated

8 dpo sore boobs, cramps, back pain, (pm)nausea, cried at a movie that I saw 10 times before and never cried

9 dpo sore boobs, fatigue, gassy, bloated

10 dpo BFP✨ very hungry, sore boobs, tired, cramps

Baby #3 on the way ♥️