Would you try and stay friends? ( read the story)

So here goes my story. I honestly want to know how do others see a situation like this.

I have a good job . My company is like a family to me and I’ve been there long.

My friend lost his job recently and I need help at work so I get him in: 2 month contract as starters with a decent salary.

He worked 3 weeks. No real use. Doesn’t follow instructions and won’t be told. I got a lot of shit from him in these 3 weeks and tbh I feel like yes I could have spent more time training him but with year end on my neck had to finish accounts etc lot of work! Explained this to him.

His attitude got him fired. My boss fired him.

But decided to pay him for his notice period. So he has been treated well....

He turned around today wrote a complaint letter to our boss claiming that he has mental health issues therefore he can’t be sacked!!!

This is a game. He has no issues at all.

I feel betrayed. He stabbed me in my back by behaving like a twat with the people that I work with.

I told them he is my friend let’s give him a job and he turns around make a total fool of himself and me for ever claiming he is my friend.

On top of this my husband blames me for trying to help him ( he is a family man) and he thinks we will continue to be friends with them and when covid is over continue to meet them.

We live next to each other which means we bump into each other a lot.

I feel like cutting him out of my life right now and never talk to him again! Other than telling him how I feel about his behaviour and betrayal.

Do I have valid reasons?!

Would you try and be friends with him

And his wife?!

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