Difficult first delivery

I’ll try and make this brief. I had my son (<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>) almost 5 years ago. The delivery wasn’t great but I also realise people have it worse. I was induced following water breaking but not establishing labour (had been having contractions for over 24 hours at this point), ventouse delivery, post partum hemorrhage 1.5 litres. From start of contractions to delivery it was about 40 hours. Induction meds started to wear off and I’d reached the max so ended up with ventouse and lots of stitches. I have vague memories of it at best. I felt awful for weeks after and it impacted my bonding with my son. I’ve taken the plunge and done <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> again and it’s worked, I’m only 10.5 weeks and already worrying about labour. I think I would like to ask for a c section but worried they might say no. I know I need to speak to them about it in due course but does anyone have any experience to share? Or tips.