COVID burnout



So I cannot be the only mom that is feeling burned out right now. I have spoken to so many other mom friends and we are all feeling this drain. Also think it is worse in the winter and where we are it is bellow freezing.

I am a SAHM to a 21 month old and currently 31 weeks pregnant. Being a high risk pregnancy I have on average 2-4 appointments a week. Also my hard working husband works 12 hours shifts at least 5 days a week if not more (thanks to the pandemic.) He gets home eats and goes to sleep.

I am missing people. I am missing my family and social stimulation. I miss being outdoors. I am so high risk that I really cannot risk much right now and the people who are safer too see I am a risk for them because I spend so much time in the doctors.

I am worried in a few weeks when there is a new baby and me and a toddler. I already feel so alone and exhausted. Honestly hearing of how the closures and such are probably going to continue just absolutely breaks any chance of hope. I miss the idea I had of what being a stay at home mom would be and raising our family, I guess I am grieving for the dream that I had.

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Posted at
I’m so glad I live in a place that doesn’t lockdown. It’s causing more harm than good at this point. Mental health is an issue too and kills many people every year. There have been no outbreaks or anything where I live, most people don’t even wear masks...we just go on with our daily lives and be cautious and use common sense. I hope you can get back to your normal life soon.


Posted at
I’m teaching kindergarten from a corner of my bedroom while also supporting my 11 and 9 year old.We go nowhere, see no one. No work/life or school/life balance. It’s a total burnout situation.I just keep reminding myself that this is just one chapter in the book of our lives. A few years from now, we’ll be looking back on all this and wondering how we did it!


Ri • Feb 10, 2021
Major props for you have no idea how you are able to do it all. Thank you for being an amazing teacher during such a tough time.


Posted at
Same! I miss adult contact & conversations so much. Homeschooling an 11yr old with a just turned 3yr old & am 38wks+1. I'm not really looking forward to being in the hospital around so many adults at once...I feel I've gained so much more social anxiety during this time being locked down so long. I'm definitely ready to get back to normal life.


Posted at
This coming from a postpartum mommy (1/23/2021) I felt the same until I WAS NOT pregnant anymore! I have a toddler as well and it’s so much better! I can move and play with her we do activities together while newborn naps and when I have down time while both naps I clean up and I have me time (shower, read, phone eat etc) it gets better when you have your energy back I talk on the phone and while I do miss physical interaction with my friends it’s ok I have accepted the new norm for life and have to supplement adult time with making mommy time extra fun! Eventually it will be spring and we can all go outside for walks and enjoy nature. But for now we unfortunately have to what the military say embrace the suck, it will be over soon! And things will be back to normal stay positive and persevere through the pregnancy and pandemic and everything is going to be ok.


Posted at
In the exact same boat and feel the same way. 27 weeks pregnant with a 20 month old, husband working 10-12 hours a day and I’m working a full time corporate job at home. It’s all lame, lame is the best descriptive I’ve got as the majority of my brain cells are mom fried, or pregnant fried at this point


Ri • Feb 10, 2021
Have no idea how you are able to do it all major props for you! Oh a mini getaway would be so nice unfortunately we cannot as my husband can't get away from work and being high risk pregnant I am spending all my time juggling health issues and appointments. My husband today sent me a text he needed a vacation. I actually told him to go away for the weekend with friends. He won't but I am worried about his burnout too and two people burned out I'd never good for anyone.


Su • Feb 10, 2021
I’ve booked a cabin for 2 weeks end of the maternity leave- maybe take a small low key trip with baby if you can


Posted at
So glad to be in Florida the risk of covid is not worth the mental health damage of lock down. Restarting playdates saved my sanity😍