EWCM and SPERM incompatible

Demie • Wife and Youtuber

Hello, So I was seeing RE 6 months ago, and did 1 round of femara, I wasn’t sure if I ovulated since when i went for my Cycle 23 blood drawn. The nurse did mistake she sent to the LAB my blood sample for A1C instead for Ovulation check—like to see if I ovulated from the femara. Anyway, that 1st round didn’t get me pregnant, and after that due Medical expenses cause my insurance didn’t covered. I have to take a break. I can’t get out of my head when my RE did a a test called POST COITAL TEST *after intercourse -it’s like papsmear she collected EWCM and look

At her Telescope and she said that my SO sperm was not moving like my EWCM killing his sperm and so she said my SO and I, are not compatible. I will go to OB in 2 weeks from now she said If i don’t have big cyst I can start femara again to help me ovulate, I was wondering if anyone have this experience? I don’t know what kind of this problem, but I’m thinking this might be causing of my inftertility and I’m the only way i can do to get pregnant is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> which is I can’t afford. 🥺