Has anyone used donor sperm?

And how did you decide it was the right choice for you? Our fertility stuff comes from my husband’s side and I try to love & support him through it as best I can because I know it’s really hard on him. We both REALLY want a child. We’re starting to think it just might not happen for us and my husband has started mentioning adoption.

I don’t have anything against adoption at all, I think it’s so beautiful and important and I wish it was more accessible to people. But I’m also just struggling so much to give up to the idea of never carrying a pregnancy myself. (And I know that sounds a little selfish, but I’m just being honest with myself here)

Im not exactly sure how I feel about sperm donation or how to even go about bringing it up to my husband, I feel like he’ll be so offended. I’m just a struggle bus of emotions and wanted some stories from people who maybe went through the same things and what you ended up doing