Were you induced and had a successful VBAC?

My first baby was breech. I’m currently 39+3 and had a membrane sweep yesterday (didn’t hurt like everyone on here was making it out to be). I was 1 cm and 75% effaced. Dr talked about inducing after 41 weeks or scheduling a csection. I really want to try for a VBAC. I’m nervous about the increase chance of uterine rupture going from 1% to 3% with induction (since my breech first baby was a 3% chance too 🥴) my first baby is 25 months old. I’m a healthy person, not overweight, normal blood pressure etc...

I’m trying to determine if I should try for the induction. Dr says it’s my choice. I wanted to read some real life examples of inductions with VBAC.

1. Did you get a membrane sweep (and did it work) how long after did you go into labor?

2. How long was your labor?

3. Did you have your successful VBAC or did you end up having a C-section? If repeat csection, what was the reason?

4. How old was your csection baby when you attempted you VBAC?

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